Monday 29 July 2013

My Monthly Makeup Tip

Want a little lip colour to brighten your face but don't want to look like you're wearing it? Bright red, deep grape or shiny lip-gloss not your thing?

Well, when I'm wearing natural looking makeup, which is usually all the time, I just rub on my favourite lip balm and then dot as much lip stick as I want on top. Rubbing it all in and accentuating the lines well. Making the colour as dark or as pale as I like. I even make my own colour sometimes by using different shades.

My favourite at the moment is actually a brown cream eyeshadow pot which works really well with this pinkish AVON lip balm I have. I tie this all together with natural makeup, bit of bronzer and natural shade eyeshadow. Sometimes I just use the same blush or bronzer on my eyes.

Hope this helped. Remember, something on your lips is always better than nothing. The other makeup will make you look too washed out if you don't.
