Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Maxi Skirt

I'm still trying to get this blog up but I just couldn't resist stopping to mention one of my fav fashion pieces.....the maxi skirt! They're so graceful, feminine and everyone seems to be wearing them! Striped is cute, but a plain block colour coupled with a fancy belt can be just as chic. Too stretchy can seem to cling to everything though and lets face it.....we all don't have the perfect bottom anyway! And even if you's best to ere on the side of modesty when it comes to what you wear. Besides, if you choose wisely, you can find tons of others that are just as flattering!

I don't personally think that the front scoops are modest either! You mine as well wear a tiny skirt that is up around your thighs. Very unattractive in my opinion if you ask me. I suppose they're OK if at the right length, but my preference goes to the truly "maxi" type.

Check out some cool designs here:

I don't know about you, but heels are a must for me when it comes to any skirt or dress!