When it comes to fashion I believe that modesty doesn't have to mean long flared skirts to the floor and skivvy's to the neck and elbows. Of course both are modest but I think that we should put more thought into what we wear, both in the area of modesty and style. Being chic also doesn't mean strapless dresses and those shorts that look like underwear! The saying "anything goes" doesn't apply to what we grab out of the wardrobe. Some people put so much emphasis on being modest while others, just fashion. I think we should strike a balance in between. Many people obviously either give up or just need some inspiration. I thought that a blog where girls and women can get that inspiration and share ideas about how to dress modestly and be a truly feminine woman is greatly needed. The idea here is to have fun! I will have monthly competitions regarding fashion hopefully and the odd recipe idea. You can send me a recipe idea, picture of yourself wearing something, seasonal, modest and fashionable and ideas on where to purchase modest clothing if you like. I'm always open to ideas! Please tell your friends about my blog if you like it so we can share thoughts and ideas with more people. And always remember a modest woman always has more grace, dignity, beauty and femininity.
I hope you enjoy my blog!
Laura xxx
Hi! I just found your blog today and I must say I'm enjoying it so far! I definitely agree with you about fashion! (I'm the oldest of 8 and home schooled) I have to be "the example" It's sometimes hard to find good clothing. But it's like a scavenger hunt, it's all worth it in the end! =) Keep writing!
Oh My Annsie,
Thank you sooo much for your comment! That has just made my year just about! I'm always unsure if this blog's interesting enough, and I don't have money enough yet to make an even better template.... I'm am also the eldest of eight and homeschooled and have to set the "example" That picture of our lady is also one of my favourites. lol
I am totally nuts about fashion that is beautifully feminine and totally modest. Like a nice white lace dress or blouse with a long black maxi skirt and heels. Hopefully I can raise enough money soon to do fashion pics. Anyway, thank you for your comment and encouragement, it means the world to me. xx
Hi I found your blog through the cotr staff page. your blog seems really cool. I am very pasionate about modesty, life issues,and purity. Sometimes going shopping can be discouraging but your tips and ideas are inspiring. Keep up your good work and God Bless.
Thank you so much for your comment and encouragement Bella.
I'm trying to inspire others and think very passionately, as you do about the same issue. I definitely haven't completely finished my blog's outlay and idea, but with the help of others, we can make this a place for all of us to share ideas and strengthen each other throughout the journey.
God Bless, Laura xx
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